Available Curricula


Course Grade Subject Method
Wé Kéesʼ, Aadé Kakg̱wadaa Yé? (The Tide, Where Will It Stop?) Grades 7-9 Social Studies Oral narration; High-tech approach; Project-based
Algebra in Southeast Alaska Grades 10+ Math Kinesthetic learning; Project-based; Cooperative learning
Yan Kawdudzinugu Át 2 Grades 10+ Literacy Inquiry-based; Cooperative learning
Yan Kawdudzinugu Át- That Which Has Been Proven Grades 7-9 Science Oral narration; Project-based
Toowú Latseen Grades 7-9 Literacy Oral narration; Project-based
Tlingit Numbers PreK-2nd Math Kinesthetic learning; Direct instruction
Kuhaantí PreK-2nd Literacy Oral narration; Kinesthetic learning; Project-based
Plants of Southeast Alaska Grades 10+ Science Inquiry-based; Kinesthetic learning; Direct instruction; Project-based; Cooperative learning
Resources of Haa AanÍ Grades 10+ Science Oral narration; Inquiry-based; Kinesthetic learning; Project-based; Cooperative learning
Global Warming in Alaska Grades 10+ Science High-tech approach; Kinesthetic learning; Direct instruction; Project-based
Blonde Indian Grades 10+ Literacy Oral narration; Inquiry-based; High-tech approach; Kinesthetic learning; Direct instruction; Cooperative learning
Koo.éex’ Grades 3-6 Literacy Direct instruction
Kindei Tooshatnootl (We Hold Them Up) Grades 10+ Literacy; Social Studies Inquiry-based; Project-based
The Tlingit Canoe & the Story of Kaax'achgóok Grades 10+ Math Kinesthetic learning; Project-based
Financial Literacy in Tlingit Country Grades 7-9 Math Direct instruction
Living by the seasons PreK-2nd Literacy; Math; Science Inquiry-based; Kinesthetic learning
Da’ak- Weaving Grades 3-6 Literacy Kinesthetic learning; Project-based

Who we are

GHF’s Education Department has made it our mission to build and fortify our students’ connection to the Tlingit culture. In weaving Haa Shuká Tundatáani into curriculum and public schools, we will not only preserve our culture, language and customs- but also will foster students' ability to identify values, observe, comprehend abstraction, as well as purposely reflect on what they’ve learned.

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