Evaluation Tool


  1. What are 3 things I should know at the end of this instruction? 
  2. Are the instructions clear to me? If not, what are some clarifying questions I might ask my teacher or peers? (Think about instructions and lessons that made sense, or that you enjoyed in the past) 
  3. Where have I seen this information/activity before? Where might I see it again?
  1. In examining my learning style, how might this information/activity be easier to process/understand? 
  2. How can I challenge myself? 
  3. How might this lesson/activity be useful for me in the future?
  1. One observation I made about my learning style was… 
  2. A piece of feedback I would share with myself in order to improve my learning process would be… 
  3. Draw a picture that represents what you learned, or the activity you partook in.
  1. 3 New things I learned are… 
  2. The knowledge I gained helped me to better understand…. 
  3. Create a story map or diagram to highlight the beginning, middle, and the end of this lesson.

1. Is there alignment between the developed content and state standards?
2. Are additional resources and skills needed clearly outlined and planned for?
3. What are the concepts and skills intended for application in this learning plan?

1. List the methods being centered in this learning plan and their intended application.
2. Identify the cultural philosophies and values that are being centered through the intended methodologies?
3. How do the intended methodologies prioritize collaborative and investigative learning?

1. How does the use of guided questions promote investigation, connection building, contextualization, and cultural application?
2. Explain how differentiation is being applied by the instructor and how differentiation is to be experienced by the learner?
3. How are students being asked to design their own learning?

1. How are formative assessments being prioritized over summative assessments?
2. Are students being asked to engage in their own assessment design? I.e. How will students know when they know?
3. How are a variety of assessments evidenced in the curriculum design?

1. How are the learning methods and philosophies in this unit aligning with the classroom practice and learning goals? With the school-wide climate and practices?
2. How has the instructor embedded opportunities for students to learn and share more about themselves and their own stories, cultures, and histories?
3. Which methodologies were successful and what might be some new methodologies to try in the future?

1. Can my student describe what they are learning in class?
2. Are connections being made between the topics being presented and the cultures of southeast Alaska?
3. Are learning targets and learning strategies clear and understandable?

1. Can you observe evidence of your students' skills developing?
2. How have you observed your students' skills of observation being implemented at home?
3. Which learning strategies being used seem to best grab your student’s attention?

1. Do you observe your student wondering how things are made?
2. Which questions do you observe your student asking most frequently?
3. Does the use of oral narratives and stories deepen your student’s skills of observation and encourage them to ask more questions?

1. Do you feel the assessments your student is engaging with allow them to best communicate their learning?
2. Do you feel your student understands their assessments and find them helpful?
3. Have you observed the variety of ways in which your student is being assessed?

1. Can you observe your student engaging with the learning, their teacher, and their peer groups in appropriate ways?
2. Have you observed evidence of cultural connections to indigenous ways of knowing in the school, learning content, and learning strategies?
3. Does your school feel approachable? How does your student respond to going to school?

Who we are

GHF’s Education Department has made it our mission to build and fortify our students’ connection to the Tlingit culture. In weaving Haa Shuká Tundatáani into curriculum and public schools, we will not only preserve our culture, language and customs- but also will foster students' ability to identify values, observe, comprehend abstraction, as well as purposely reflect on what they’ve learned.

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